New Series! Do not speak unkindly about anyone

Hello ladies! I’m quite excited because I want to start a series where I share a lot of encouraging words from my readings.
As well as sharing down my own thoughts, many of these encouragement posts I hope to frequently issue out will be words taken from the past that so desperately need to be reshared.
It’s a way of me writing these things down to encourage myself and hopefully you too. I’ll put these posts in a separate page at the top so come back from time to time to see more!
Being Kind
So for the first post, I would like to share how can we as ladies be more kind. When it comes to being a kind and courteous person, we have our great handbook the bible.
You only have to read books like Proverbs or the gospels to be inspired and encouraged in doing good to others. We can make ourselves look so ugly if we are unkind – I know I have felt so ashamed when I have been called out for my rudeness to someone else.
As an old lady would say, if someone treated you unkindly, make sure you don’t act in the same way to another! It doesn’t feel great at all!
Don’t Speak Badly About Someone
Speaking ill of any one is not nice and is certainly not Christ-like. If I’m being honest, most times if I have to talk bad about someone else, it’s because of jealousy, envy or unfounded hatred for them. How ugly! Ladies, we don’t want to present ourselves and weak, envious and inferior when we speak clamously against someone.
The bible says we should esteem others better than ourselves. That can be hard to do, but God will help us if we only pray to do so. So don’t pull another girl down, instead focus on the good of her and in the same breadth focus on your own business! If someone has offended you, pray for them and always show love – at some point they may get tired of being mean, but don’t count on it!
This world is full of evil, let’s harbour more on the positives than plainly talking about another girls faults. As someone once said, be as though you saw nothing evil.
To the pure all things are pure
Titus 1:15
Edit: I just saw the below quote on facebook, so I’m resharing here as it is very fitting:
Be the person who breaks the cycle.
If you were judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose acceptance. If you were shamed, choose compassion. Be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you.
Vow to be better than what broke you—to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from your heart, not your pain.
Could it be karma if you talk bad about others? Even someone has done wrong to you, you don’t want to speak up for your own sufferings when someone else brings the topic up?