What is Etiquette and why is it important?

The older generation always say “The children of today have no manners” and perhaps they’re right. As time goes on, the newer generations tend to look at the past ways of doing things with contempt. Is there need to give up my chair for a pregnant woman on the bus? Do I need to hold the door open for the person behind me? You may say of course! But not everyone will agree with you.
If you dare to be one who adopts certain behaviours of old or dressing ‘vintage’ then they’ll say “stop acting like a grandma!”. A subtle insult which could easily make such a person question they’re good motives. But having manners is important, whether you are two years old or 98 years old. And this comes under the form of etiquette a beautiful French word that is packed with so much meaning.
What is Etiquette?
Etiquette an old French words meant was a set of little cards. In the 17th century, in the grand courts of Louis XIV reign, he introduced etiquette in his court where little cards were given to courtiers to remind them of how to behave.
Louis XIV – “Keep off the Grass!”

Louis XIV was quite strict on how he expected his court to be run and how his courtiers were to behave. One example he enforced was for people to keep off the nicely lawned grass on his palace grounds. He was so annoyed by people ruining his flower beds and lawns that he set up signs warning people not to step on the flowers, or walk on the grass. Today we see such signs on beautifully laid out areas in order to preserve its beauty for everyone.
After the French Revolution, many of the aristocrats who survived left for England where they introduced etiquette and French manners to the people. The Victorians really sought to promote the importance of etiquette. During this period numerous books were written on this topic as a bid to educate the masses on how to behave in various facets of society and events.
Etiquette: A supplement to the Law
Today the word etiquette (eh-tee-keht) is understood to mean the way one should behave and comport themselves in society in order to be respected and welcomed. A wonderful quote I came across in my readings describes etiquette as this:
Etiquette forms a sort of supplement to the law, which enables society to protect itself against offences which the law cannot touch. For instance, the law cannot punish a man for habitually staring at people in an insolent and annoying manner, but etiquette can banish such an offender from the circles of good society, and fix upon him the brand of vulgarity.
Martine’s hand-book of etiquette and guide to true politeness, 1866
Why is Etiquette important today?
It was once said that “A man’s manners are his fortune”. A valuable saying that is true for both men and women. This saying clearly stems from the proverb which says that “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1).
A woman’s manners are her fortune
A lot of the etiquette rules disseminated throughout history are unnecessary, yet the word of God instructs us clearly on how to behave. Understanding the etiquette rules of where you’re from and overseas is important so as not to offend or be considered a rude person that has not been brought up well. Essentially when in Rome do as the Romans do.
Having good manners enables great interpersonal relationships and draws people in. What is one etiquette rule you follow or would like more people to observe? Let me know in the comments.