How to be a sweet and kind girl

how to be a sweet and kind woman

Ladies, this is a dear reminder for us to strive to be sweet. A sweet and kind girl or woman radiates beauty around her. She shines bright, because deep within her soul she is free from hardness, free from hatred and free from sin. Every woman can cultivate a sweet and kind spirit.

Every woman should take pride in expressing her kindness in every way possible. One should wish to be remembered for the way they treated others in the positive sense rather than in the opposite.

Throughout life we are tried and tested. Trials that knock us off our feet and send us down a spiral of emotions without warning. But those trials are training grounds for us to practice love, kindness and patience. It may not always be easy, but every trial should make us stronger and kinder. People from different walks of life are going through their own struggles, if someone offends you then respond back with kindness and pray for them.

Don’t be afraid to apologise

This past Sunday, I was crossing the road somewhere and a cyclist was coming my way but wasn’t slowing down until at the very last second when he swiftly slowed down and swerved past me.

As he did so however, he was quite cross and muttered out something (granted it was not nice). As I stepped on the pavement and looked at him riding on, I had a moments thought to say sorry which despite there being people around me, I did. I just shouted ‘Sorry!’ and he shouted back in a surprisingly very nice tone, “It’s okay!”.

Something so simple like that, warmed my heart and made me so thankful to God that the situation was mended, especially as I initially wanted to tell him off! In this moment, I should have hastened my steps or just waited for the cyclist to pass. God reminded me of the proverb that says ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath.”

A soft answer turns away wrath

Proverbs 15:1
beautiful butterfly. How to be a sweet and kind girl

Surround yourself with kind people

It is true that we are a product of our environment. Whether through our upbringing at home by our parents/carers, teachers at school or the friends we associate with, we will soon find ourselves matching those we spend significant time with. Count it a great blessing if you are surrounded by beautiful souls and if not then pray for it! It may take a while but keep pressing on for good influences to surround you.

Do not retaliate

It is easier said than done, but we women are humans too and we will unfortunately experience hurt at some point in our lives. There are girls that some would say could not even hurt a fly and individuals would so mischievously do all they can to try and break that girl’s spirit. I mean if they could poke her with a pin to see how she would react, they would! But the important thing to note is that however great you’ve been hurt, please ensure that you do not retaliate nor repay evil for evil. Maturity will enable you to perceive such occurrences with grace and perhaps turn it around into some sort of humorous event for your own sanity! Do not stress.

Make up your mind to be sweet

No matter your background, environment or situation, you can settle in your mind today to be a kind and sweet woman. Having such qualities will enable you to get through a great many things you encounter in life. For the young teenage girls who may read this post, please read more on the advices I would give you as you enter into womanhood.

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