
I made a cake!!

So my time so far in Guangzhou has been very eventful and my aunty has put in a lot of effort to plan “programs” as she calls it for me to do during the day. One of the programs I did this week was to bake a cake. I love cake like no man’s business (and sweets) and this activity really excited me. The activity took place in a shop situated in one shopping mall near to us. The guy in charge gave me and my cousin the ingredients as we added them all into a bowl and mixed it all together. I’ve baked a lot of cakes with my mum when I was younger so this was pretty easy to do. After following instructions, he put both our cake mixtures into the oven and left it in for about 15-20 mins. Once the cakes were done it was time to put our art skills to the test as we were given cream icing in pink and blue, chocolate and fruit pieces to decorate our cake with. I think I did quite a good job with mine and I certainly wasted no time in eating the whole cake that day (I did share out a slice or two with my relatives though).
Now when it comes to food, Guangzhou is the place to go. Everyday we have breakfast and/or lunch at a restaurant, and the dishes are finger-licking good. I’m talking about dim sum…and…well that’s all the names I can really remember. But there’s definitely a lot to try! All the restaurants are in tip top condition and very spacious, plus customer service is very good and professional. Just take a look at what I’ve eaten so far!





Just to end, I’ve reunited with my sweet mother after not seeing her for 4 months! I’ve missed her so much and it was so great picking my ma up from the airport. Tomorrow we leave for Hong Kong for two nights and I can’t wait to show my mum around. Hope you all have a good week and see you soon!

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