19th Century Shamian Island, Guangzhou

Happy Chinese New Year to you all! 春节快乐! We have 5 days public holiday to celebrate the Spring Festival season and I took a trip to the beautiful Shamian Island here in Guangzhou.



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Shamian is a beautiful historical island taking one back to the 19th century when it was given to the British and French in parts by the Qing government. During the 17th century to the 19th, Shamian served as a strategic and important area for war and foreign trade . The area is marked by historical buildings, promenades and an array of tropical greenery, beautifully preserved by the Chinese government. If you happen to visit Guangzhou, I would recommend put this in your top places to visit. 

Check out my blog post on a trip I made with my colleagues to Dongshankou; an old area just as beautiful!

See you soon


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