Back in China

If you haven’t gathered from my YouTube channel or my Instagram then I am here to tell you that I have gone back to the wonderful country of China. 
Ever since arriving back to London after a yearlong study in China over two years ago, my mind never went a day without thinking about whether I would go back to China and how. I would constantly search for job opportunities; spoke to my university’s career advisers, scanned through countless blogs by foreign individuals living in China, got my family endlessly praying for me and most of all I researched for hours. It was obvious that my heart longed to go back to China but I was nervous about so many things. But I thank God for understanding my worries and listening to my prayers because I spoke to God constantly about my desire to go back to China and simply asked Him to make a way if it was His will. And He certainly made it possible for me in a way that I would never have expected. So now here I am living life in China, but for how long I honestly cannot say.
It is always good to have a support system when making big decisions like my own, and I thank God for my family who were like:
“Yes! This is your life!”
“Grab hold of opportunities!”
“If it is God’s will, it will happen!”
“Maximise your potential!”
“Don’t doubt yourself!”
“Be proactive!”
So with these words of encouragement and advice given to me by my family, I also pass them on to you.
More China posts coming soon and do make sure to subscribe so that you can be the first to know about any updates here on my blog! 
See you soon! 

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One Comment

  1. This is very useful information for those of you who have studied abroad, let us know in the comments if you can think of any more good reasons to study abroad and whether you agree with the list so far! Thanks again for the post.

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