Don’t Be Afraid to Dress Better

Hello ladies, it’s nearing to the end of the year and I have been doing a lot of reflections and thinking about my life and the future for my family. It’s not easy but praying to God has relieved some of my anxieties and worries. We always worry about tomorrow but the Lord tells us to do the opposite!
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Matthew 6:34
A thought came to my head just now and I had to pen it down, because this feeling is so real for many men and women. And that is the fear of doing what we innately believe to be better because of other people’s reactions.
We’ve all been there… Scared to dress well or dress up. Scared to say the truth though it may be counter cultural. Fear of starting a business due to imposter syndrome. The list goes on. But I want to encourage you to JUST DO IT!

It’s so clear that the enemy wants to destroy all that is good, lovely, true and honest. We’ve gradually entered into a stupor that has seen the world turn its back on morals, beautiful things and honesty. Advertisement are full of subtle messagings to desensitize your minds to ugliness and drab. Even as close back to the 1990s, adverts targeted towards women were feminine and aspiring! God gave us such a simply wonderful blueprint and we’ve gone and complicated matters.

“I want To Dress More Feminine”
Do you wish to dress well, perhaps wear more dresses and skirts, but are afraid of what your friends and family may say? Are you worried that they may scoff at you and belittle your efforts? Or label you as prideful and attention seeking? Don’t worry! A well dressed girl along with good manners goes a long way and you’ll be surprised what an impression it will make on others. When you do what is right, and set your standards, others will take notice and want to embody that too.

God Created Beauty
God created beauty. We see it all around us from the birds to the flowers. Likewise I believe that everyone should be conscious of how they dress (though without exaggeration); to dress nicely, neatly and appropriately. And I must say that wearing more dresses and skirts than you do otherwise certainly makes one more feminine, there’s no denying that. Why don’t you challenge yourself to wear more feminine items and observe how it makes you feel. Do you feel more womanly? Does the way you behave subconsciously change?

I look back at photos and videos from the 1950s/1960s and earlier and can clearly observe the differences in how women and men dressed amongst each other. But today fashions have been blurred, although a comeback to more feminine pieces and silhouettes is definitely resurging but tend to be more pricey unfortunately (especially if you’re conscious about the fabric used)

Be Inspired and Inspire Others
When we see what is good being done by others – imitate it! We shouldn’t covet what others have but we can be inspired by the way someone dresses, puts an outfit together, where they shop to get the best items and more. When I went out recently, I saw a Nigerian family well arrayed in their traditional attire, granted it was for a special occasion. But in my mind I was thinking how beautiful and smart they look! Shortly after I saw a group of Jewish women and saw how distinctly they dress and it made me think more and more about how I adorn myself from the inside out as a Christian.
Lastly, for yourself and myself, let’s try to make a lasting impression to those around us and within our homes to dress femininely and lovely as much as we can – because life is too short! And this is not passing judgement on anyone who currently dresses casual 24/7 as the character of a person is most important. Plus there’s a time and place for certain styles of clothing. Yet, as there should be reminders about how we’re to comport ourselves, likewise the same should be done on how we dress. You can read more about the importance of dressing well here.

Thank you for this article. Wishing you a happy new year! Is there a way to subscribe to your blog so I can know when you post something new? Many thanks🌸
Happy New Year to you too Mary! Thank you for subscribing – I recently sent out a newsletter and hope to do so more regularly as I post – Hope you received it! 🌷