
My Advice For Teenage Girls and Young Women Today

My advice for teenage girls

So much has changed in our society over the past decades that I think the great majority of our ancestors would be both shocked and amazed at what they saw going on today (i.e Paris 2024 Olympics). There is a lot of counter cultural learnings we have to do on ourselves and to the younger generation. In this post I would like to share some of my thoughts as word of advice for teenage girls and young women today. The cultural landscape is so volatile, so fragile and rapidly evolving. The younger generation are being born with technology everywhere in their faces – intentionally or not. Social media, if not used wisely, can lead so many to adopt perilous emotions. Schools, which were initially set up to catechise the young and engineer good stewards of society, are instead perverting their minds and destroying their souls. And so my first advice I’d give to teenage girls and older is to be kind…

Be Kind

One advice that has stuck with me is when someone treats you in a way that is unkind, make sure not to do the same to others! Sometimes I like to ask myself, what would Jesus do? Being kind also encompasses being generous and giving, ensuring that you think of others and how you can be of help to someone else. Recently a lovely Christian family sourced a double pram through a mothers groups online and gave it to us once she secured it. It was such an answer to prayer and something we were looking to get. Such acts encourage me to be more giving, as you never know who you could really bless through your kindness.

Kindness is one of the fruit of the spirit we are called by God to have. Yet is it easy to be kind, when others are being mean to you? No. However, repaying evil with good will thereafter keep you at peace and happiness that you did not behave in a way that is unbecoming.

Advice for teenage girls - be kind and polite
Advice for teenage girls - femininity being kind

desire marriage and Raising Children

Marriage is a blessed vocation and one that brings much joy and certainly much growth! Growing with the one you love and nurturing a family is very rewarding and is an adventure! The world today is very anti-marriage and anti-children – seeing it as an evil ‘contract’ and ‘disruption’ to life respectively. Many women have taken boldly to social media saying that they don’t need a man and/or expressing their desire not to want children essentially encouraging others to do the same. It’s a selfish mentality that should be rebutted.

Dangers of feminism - advice for teenage girls
Warnings against feminism from the publication Socialism, feminism, and suffragism,
the terrible triplets, connected by the same umbilicial cord, and fed from the same nursing bottle

Life is what you make of it, so don’t allow the negative stories to discourage you from desiring marriage and raising children. I would even go as far to say that if you desire to get married young then that’s wonderful and there are many pros for doing so. Don’t purposefully put it off for when you’re much older.

learn how to cook

Young girls, this is a must before marriage! As they say ‘A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. Good conversations are usually had over the table where there is food. Learn at home before you get married and practice on your friends and family. Broaden your horizons and challenge yourself! Try to be an all rounder and learn how to bake as well. If you are seeking some inspiration and easy delicious recipes then check out Nutri Fusion Bites.

Learn how to cook - advice for teenage girls

Constantly educate yourself

Whether you go to university or not, strive to educate yourself all the time. You can take a number of offline and online courses on many topics today. Most are inexpensive and don’t require you to take out a hefty loan. I was always encouraged to read as young girl and I’m trying to get back into it despite my busy homemaking life!

Through knowledge, one can come closer to the truth on many things. The bible, the word of God is truth and through reading it you can gain much wisdom and instruction on how to live a Christian life.

To some degree it’s good to have at least a basic understanding of politics and economics in order to shape your standpoint and discuss certain matters with you husband. You may also need to later communicate them to your children too. Education does not always have to be intellectual but can be practical as well. If you don’t know how to sew, then take a course on it. How about gardening too? See what interests you most and have a go at learning how to do it.

Educate yourself - advice for teenage girls

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7

Have a good relationship with your family

After Christ, family comes next. Family is everything, and are the ones you’ll typically be the closest to. Sure there are times when there is tension, sibling rivalry and fall outs, but we should not bear grudges and seek to forgive and be forgiven for any wrongdoings. Family should always be there for one another and if this is not the case then it is very unfortunate and all should be done to try and repair any damage done. I believe that there is nothing impossible for the Lord to do. So if there are relationships issues within your family, pray for the Lord to help you repair it. Ensure that you have a good relationship with your parents, your siblings, and extended family. Bear no grudge, hold no bitterness towards anybody and strive for peace within your home.

Be Careful Who You Hang Around With

The bible is full of wisdom and says ‘Bad company corrupts good morals‘. Do not be naive to think that you can be the one to change your friends’ ways, because instead the opposite will happen. Strive to be around female friends that will encourage you down a good path. If you find that you’re part of a group of friends that constantly talk about unwholesome things, go to places you shouldn’t be at, then you need to make new friends. It will be difficult to move away from your old friends, but know that in the long run it’s for the best, for your mind and character. True friendships can be hard to come by, but pray about it and be always be friendly to others.

Dress modestly & Femininely

dress femininely and modestly - advice for teenage girls

As a women, it is a fact that the most feminine pieces of clothing are that of skirts and dresses. When chosen wisely and modestly, they exude femininity and complement the female physique.

If you observe that you wear trousers majority of the time, then seek some style inspiration on boards like Pinterest to help you develop your feminine wardrobe. It doesn’t need to be complicated, nor do you need to spend much time on it. Furthermore, you can arrange a day to go shopping with someone who can assist you try on some pieces. I would recommend starting off buying dresses as it’s just one item to complete the outfit.

And of course, dress modestly. Allow your conscience to guide you, but showing off your midriff, for example, is not modest. As my mum would always tell us growing up, don’t tarnish your character by your dressing. Just because your friends are dressing immodestly, or someone you admire, it doesn’t make it right and I would advise against following suit.

Develop your passions & hobbies

Do not allow work to give you little to no time for anything else. Personally I would advocate for teenage girls to get part time work so that they can use the other time to help at home as well as developing their personal interests and hobbies. Some ideas are:

  • Sports
  • Sewing
  • Crocheting
  • Gardening
  • Art
  • Playing an instrument
  • Embroidery
  • Hairdressing
  • Cooking & Baking
  • Upholstery
  • Writing
  • Photography

I honestly feel that the corporate lifestyle is such a detraction for women today, thus she shouldn’t spend so many hours in the week working a job. When you are single, you have so much time to develop yourself as an individual, perhaps set up a business, and be impactful at home as well as at your church. Do not despise your youth! Understand that being a wife and mother comes with a lot more responsibility and dedicated time, so use your years as a single woman wisely!

Believe in Jesus Christ

Saving the best for last, is to accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour. The earlier the better. I am so thankful for the gift of salvation! The chance freely given by Jesus Christ to be a new person, with a changed mindset and refined desires. It’s honestly so incredible how the Lord can change your ways for the better. There is so much joy in knowing that Christ died for our sins and rose again! Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in him will keep you at peace, despite the trials you’ll face. In the end, this world will also be made new, where there will be no more evil, crying and death. It’s a great hope to look forward to!

So if you are a young teenage girl or older in your 20s, I hope you’ll appreciate this matter of fact post. I always welcome straight to the point messages, that seek not to sugar coat anything but just tell the truth! We’re all on a journey, so take your time as you develop yourself into a beautiful woman. We’re all in this together! Seek wisdom from the older women around you and learn from them! Always ask questions and do not be afraid to try new things.

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